
The gold spot price per oz on 8/16/24, by a bit, went over $2,500.00. For perspective, on 8/20/15: $1,147.70 and on 8/20/24: $2,529.75.

Never the less, indications are, that gold will be of note, for it's unabated use in jewellery for this fall's season.

As a general matter, of curiosity, is this combination of having a landmark gold price and perhaps the increase in the use and thus sale of the metal in jewellery.

So in early 2025 it my prove interesting to see [if one can] discern what actually happened this fall, given this above mentioned combo. Even if one is able to discern a trend it might be spurious, as the variables; gold use and sales in jewellery with gold and gold price, might be, in fact, independent of each other. A counterintuitive notion and a point of the curiosity.

Besides, this current key property of gold -the price of it- is that Andy of A. Litwin is somehow, at this moment, reminded of a novel role that gold played in the modern development of the structure of the atom.

Specifically, in a nutshell, [that for those, so inclined, it is perhaps worthwhile, to review elsewhere, this work, more in-depth] where the physicist Ernest Rutherford [who was awarded a Noble prize in 1908] and colleagues used gold foil in their work for investigation into the structure of the atom.

By directing a beam of radioactive Helium atoms at a sheet of gold foil and then being able to determine the path the Helium atoms followed, they were able to imagine, and have some good evidence, that a plausible structure for the atom was that the preponderance of the mass of the atom [the nucleus]  was separated by a significant amount of "empty" space.

Most of the Helium atoms went directly, without any deviation in their path, though the gold foil. But occasionally, not so. Apparently, the most dramatic / impressive deviation of the Helium atom's path was when this Helium atom was deflected directly back at the beam of Helium atoms. Somewhat analogous to a baseball batter hitting the baseball directly back at the pitcher; where presumptively, the Helium atom struck the gold atom nucleus "straight on" and thus "batted" directly back at the [pitcher] Helium atom beam.

Planned: A follow-up post in 2025.

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